5 Steps to Take a Quantum Leap

5 Steps to Take a Quantum Leap in Your Sales (And What You Might Be Missing)

This isn’t the first time I’ve written an article about increasing your sales.

And it won’t be the last.

However, as I’ve taught more classes and spoken to more groups, I realize it is the place that people get stuck most often.

Everyone wants to increase their sales, but they don’t know how. And they want it to be easy. The second that it becomes difficult, they back off. Often, it is at that very point when if they just would have pushed a little harder and kept going, they would have reached their sales stretch goal.

Believe me, I know it’s not always easy, but it can be.  My desire is that it becomes easy for you.  But we might need to help you shift a few of your old beliefs and fears so it can become easier.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper and let’s dig in!

The 5 Steps:

#1: Shift Your Belief.  One of my clients recently pointed out that what she loved about taking our 60-Day Sales Success Intensive was that we combined quantum physics and spirituality with real sales strategies. She thought that approach was really unique because most training companies are doing one or the other.  The truth is, you need both.  Most people don’t understand that. Sure, you can work really hard physically and make things happen. But, if you don’t want to do that anymore, then you may choose to incorporate the science and spiritual aspects of selling.

When you have both, I believe that things can become “easy.” However, you have to practice both on an ongoing basis for it to get “easy.”  The first step to take is to shift your belief about what you think about sales people and selling. Why? Because whatever you believe about those topics directly impacts how you sell to others. For example, if you believe sales people are pushy, you will do everything you can to not appear pushy.  After you become aware of that belief and release it, you allow yourself to sell from a place of confidence.

To change a belief, simply become aware of it, notice its positive and negative impact, and then decide to release it and come from a new feeling of confidence and problem solving. This will take time and practice to achieve, but keep going!

#2: Set a Quantum Goal. A Quantum Goal is really a stretch goal that you believe is possible at some level. The challenge for most people is that they either set a sales goal that is too small or one that is too large.

Yes, it is possible to set a sales goal too low. Why? Because if the sales goal is totally out of alignment with you (your other lifestyle goals may require a much larger sales goal), you will struggle because you are asking for too little, but internally you are secretly wishing for more. Sound familiar?

The shift to make here is to ask for a sales goal that is worthy of you; the sales goal that you secretly ask for when no one is around!  Napoleon Hill teaches us that we wouldn’t even have the desire in our hearts if the opportunity wasn’t already there.

The other challenge might be asking for a sales goal that is too large. I know that sounds contradictory to what I teach, but remember that I said the sales goal can be a stretch for you, but it needs to be believable at some level.  “Believable” means that you can break down the overall sales goal into smaller parts and see where the business will come from. When you can do that, you know that the goal is achievable.

Now, let me be clear. Once you have set the goal it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. However, I don’t want you to do EVERYTHING either. For example, attending every networking meeting in the county with a look of desperation on your face will not allow your sales goal to easily show upFocusing on your sales goal first thing in the morning and asking, “What is the fastest and easiest way to reach this goal,” and then listening for the answer will allow you to get there.

#3: Be Accountable and Supported. Who holds you accountable?  As entrepreneurs, it is easy to become lone rangers and spend our time alone. But that doesn’t bring us the results we desire.

Seth Godin wrote an incredible book, “Tribes.”  In it, he talks about the importance of finding YOUR people and building a community.  In your own tribe, you are the leader and you support and encourage your clients as well as your team. But to be able to do what you do, you must have support and encouragement as well. So seek out mentors and coaches to support you on your journey.

In my own experience, I have made the most progress in my business and life when I have invested in my coaches or Mastermind groupsInvesting in support isn’t for everyone, but I highly recommend it. When I see groups that offer free membership or support, they don’t always make the large advances that others do when they are paying to be coached and to be part of a community Find your tribe and the support you need.

#4: Be Open to Receive. Once you’ve set your Quantum Sales Goal, you’ve broken it down so you know how it can come to you and you have the support you need. Then it is time to evaluate your relationship with money.

Is it easy for you to receive money or do you find yourself discounting your products or services when you don’t need to?  Do you find it difficult to ask for the sale when the time comes? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone.  Most people have a lot of fear surrounding asking for money and limiting beliefs around how much money they deserve, etc.

As you continue on your journey, evaluate your fears and beliefs and question them.  Are they true or is your ego just trying to keep you safe? The more you question them, the easier it will be to keep going and keep asking for the money you deserve and the life you are living. After all, don’t you want to be able to give back and live a great life at the same time? When entrepreneurs and sales professionals have a lot of money, they give back to the organizations they care most about-in addition to living a great life. Decide now that you are ready to receive!

#5: Make a Commitment to Yourself…and Your Target Clients.  If I have become clear on anything during my journey as a sales professional and an entrepreneur, it is that this isn’t about me. This journey isn’t about me. It is about the clients that I am here to serve. The same is true for you.

Your product or service isn’t about YOU. It’s about the clients who need what you offer.  I’m not saying that YOU aren’t going to grow tremendously through this journey, because you will! But what I am saying is that when you take the focus off of yourself and you put it on those who you can help and make a difference for, then the fear tends to disappear. You move into the “flow” and suddenly your sales goals just start to happen!

Now that you’ve seen the five steps, I think you might still be missing something. Most people are. I was.  The last thing I want you to do is to detach. Release. Relax. Let goFocus on your monthly Quantum Sales Goal one time in the morning and then just let go. Forget about it. Instead, focus on the intentional and inspired ideas that come to you. Then take those steps.

Your Quantum Sales Goal is waiting for you to write it down. Grab your pen!


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236
E-Mail: contact@ursulainc.co

For all media inquiries, please contact my publicists: contact@ursulainc.co


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