3 Ways To LevelUp From Surviving To Thriving – Even In 2020

This year has been particularly difficult for most business owners. And that is perfectly understandable, because nobody could have ever possibly foreseen the events that we have seen take place in 2020! If you’re in a position with your business where the future is uncertain, know that you are not alone – and it’s okay to admit that this has been an unprecedented time, and that the struggle is expected! 


When faced with any obstacle, regardless of its scope and magnitude, we always have a choice. 

Isn’t it about time for some good news? I have some for you! Here it is:

The principles of success never change. 


Your strategies might change.

Your goals might change.

Your target clients might change.

Your products and services might change.

Your networking circle might change.

Your business partners might change.


The foundation stays the same. 


This is fantastic news! Because you see, every successful person in history has a similar thread of things they have done to be successful! AND these are all things that can be replicated by anyone that chooses to apply them. 

Even you.

YOU choose to win or to struggle. YOU choose to start or to quit. And YOU chose to survive – or to thrive.

The question is: What choices do we have? What are the next steps toward thriving?

    1. Decide

      Success always – ALWAYS – starts with your thoughts. This is always the part some people skip, looking for the secret strategy, script, or to-do list that is going to usher them up to the next level.

      But Do NOT miss this part!

      You see, success is a bit more personal than that. Every successful person has always started by being meticulously intentional about their thoughts.

      Now, more than ever, when you decide to move forward and adapt to change, you’ll find limiting beliefs that begin surfacing. That is a good thing! Let them surface so that you can address them! What ARE your limiting beliefs about moving forward during Covid-19?

      Identify them – and replace them. Replace them before your limiting beliefs even have a chance to take root in your mind. Conquering limiting beliefs is as easy as choosing to think something else in place of the limiting belief.

      For example, if your limiting belief is “My business won’t survive this pandemic,” replace it instead with, “I am going to adapt during this pandemic and my business is going to come out stronger than it was before.”

      Failure is not an option. Though we learn from our failures and mistakes, they never define us or defeat us. And they won’t this time either.
    2. Shift

      In addition to your decision to not give up, decide also how you are going to move forward. Now is the time for making serious shifts in your business! What can you change? How can you leverage your current structure? Or who can you connect with to make your changing model more effective? Can you take this opportunity to enhance your virtual presence?

      Accept that there are going to be changes – and run with them! Make them happen and choose to embrace it. We have never needed to shift so much before – and those that do will thrive.
    3. Move

      Now is the time for actionable steps!

      Make your lists, get on the phone, and hire the support people you need to delegate new work to. When shifting your business and your perspective, there is never time to be idle!

      It’s easy right now to sit and wait for instructions to come from someone else. And while it’s true that we have guidelines that we need to respect moving forward, we can still take action with those guidelines in place.


During the Great Depression, some of the greatest wealth in the history of the world was created. Though we tend to hear more about the obvious downsides to this time in our history, the fact remains that incredible opportunities existed regardless of the immense struggle. Those opportunities were largely ignored by the majority of people, but those that chose to take them – thrived. 


How will YOU thrive in 2020?


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236
E-Mail: contact@ursulainc.co

For all media inquiries, please contact my publicists: contact@ursulainc.co


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