5 Simple Steps to Super Sales Success in 2021




The more things change, the more they stay the same. 


We experienced an unprecedented change in global operations last year. Never before in human history has one event so quickly and drastically changed everything about the way each person on the planet lives their lives. 


And yet, some things never change. For instance:


  • The tendency to doubt ourselves and our abilities.
  • The fear of failure
  • The presence of limiting beliefs


But also:


  • The principles of success.
  • The grit and resolve of human beings to succeed despite obstacles


You see, the methods and techniques for doubling your sales and succeeding in business that I have been teaching business owners for years DON’T CHANGE! Success doesn’t simply vanish because of a pandemic. Indeed, ironically, a challenge like a pandemic spurs success. 


To start fresh in 2021, I’m going to tell you my five-step process for planning a successful sales year. But before I get to that, let’s talk about YOU!


How was 2020 for you? It would be no surprise to find that it was a challenge! But did you quit? If you’re reading this, chances are you didn’t – and that puts you ahead of the pack already. Never before have we had opportunity like we do right NOW! So, let’s get to work!


The 5 Simple Steps to Super Sales Success in 2021:


Figure Out What You Don’t Want 

What do you want for 2021? If you aren’t clear on this, how can you clarify your vision for this year? Here is the secret: Knowing what you don’t want is key to figuring out what you DO want. 

You see, there’s a reason that you don’t want something—and it ties to what you actually want.  


For example, you might keep thinking, “I don’t want to work so hard anymore.” That’s what you don’t want. What you DO want is to work less and play more, but you wouldn’t have known that if you didn’t start with what you don’t want!


Figure Out What You DO Want – Create the Plan

Once you know what you don’t want, you can focus on what you DO want. 



  • If you were going to have the perfect year, what would that be like for you? 
  • How would you be spending your time? 
  • How much would you be selling? 
  • Who would your clients be (You probably need to fire some!)?  
  • Where would you go on vacation? 
  • How much family time would you have? 
  • What “play” activities would you institute?  


Take your sales numbers and project them out for the entire year by month and break them down by product or service. By creating your projections, you can clearly see how much you need to sell every month and what you could sell! Work the numbers and you’ll meet all your goals!


Understand the Law of Reversed Effort 

Aldous Huxley is given credit for talking about the “Law of Reversed Effort.” Huxley said, “The harder we try with the conscious will to do something, the less we shall succeed. Proficiency and the results of proficiency come only to those who have learned the paradoxical art of doing and not doing, or combining relaxation with activity, of letting go as a person in order that the immanent and transcendent Unknown Quantity may take hold. We cannot make ourselves understand; the most we can do is to foster a state of mind, in which understanding may come to us.”  


In other words, “A watched pot doesn’t boil.”  


Now, what does that have to do with sales?


Everything! See, I find that this shows up especially when we need sales to come in. It’s those times when we try to force something to get done, but it just doesn’t seem to happen. Why? Simply because we are forcing it to happen. 


When you understand that letting go of something allows it to show up faster, you might be more inclined to follow inspired action and play more.


Take Inspired and Intentional Action 

Once you have clear projections, you will begin to get what I like to call “inspired and intentional ideas.” These ideas feel light and exciting, something you want to happen, rather than steps that feel forced. Pay attention to those feelings because they will tell you what you should do next. I’ve learned to not take action until I feel excited about the next step. I might even feel nervous, but I don’t confuse being excited with being fearful. Excitement feels different.  Once I have that feeling, then I know the next step will be the right step.



Having a plan and taking inspired action is great. However, if you don’t take time out to play and enjoy some downtime, you end up burning out early in the year. I’ve found that when I plan my vacations and time off for the entire year, I am super motivated because I know play is coming! 


Now listen: If the first thing that comes to mind is, “I can’t afford that,” then that’s exactly where you need to start. The truth is, when you put these items on your calendar, the money tends to show up for those activities and more. Try it. You just might be surprised.


The last thing I want to mention is to make sure you make a decision. Don’t “try” to make it a great year.  I hear people say that all of the time. “This year is going to be better. I’m going to try so much harder!


That’s too vague! 


Furthermore, your words matter! The word “try” insinuates that you can give up at any moment. You need to make a decision that no matter what, this is how your year is going to be for you.  


See, when you make a decision, you close the door on any other options. You close the door on reverting back to old patterns and behaviors. You close the door on saying no to yourself and you finally say YES to what it is you really want.


I hope that after taking yourself through this process you feel light and excited about what’s ahead for you in 2021!


Yes – even in 2021!


Just say yes.


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236
E-Mail: contact@ursulainc.co

For all media inquiries, please contact my publicists: contact@ursulainc.co


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