Missing part: Keeping Small Town America Alive Through Retail with Amanda Walljasper-Tate

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As a successful brick and mortar retail business owner, Amanda Walljasper-Tate has used her passion for helping people become healthier to drive her business endeavors for the last 8 years. Her love for small businesses and thriving small towns has pushed her to not only pursue growth in her retail locations, but now online. Most recently expanding her business with The Daily Apple online. Amanda has made it her mission to share how she uses social media creatively and resourcefully to grow this side of her business. Amanda took a leap of faith when she left her job as an elementary Spanish teacher to purchase a health food store and has been taking similar leaps ever since then. Through this growing process, she became aware of the challenges that face entrepeneurs and small businesses. Never giving up has become a part of her mantra, and she hopes to share this with groups of dream chasers for years to come.

Amanda has a special offer on her website right now for all of the listeners in the continental U.S. Visit dailyappleonline.com and use the Code GROW at checkout for 15% off your entire online purchase.


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