How Jerry Lewis Showed Me the Secret Power of Simple Quantum Physics

By Greg Kuhn Quantum physics is rather clear in its instructions for manifesting the high levels of success most salespeople and entrepreneurs desire: our beliefs about success must be aligned with our desires for it because our material reality is always a reflection of our state of being. And some of the inspiration to change

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Let Simple Quantum Physics Show You How to Turn Your Defeats into Your Greatest Allies

By Greg Kuhn We can infer from the precise science of quantum physics that your expectations form coherence with the energy of the quantum field and it is through this coherence that your material reality is created.  And we know that your expectations are formed unconsciously from your beliefs.  Thus, as salespeople and entrepreneurs, it

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Change Your Sales Expectations and Change Your Results

Can you think of a time when you expected something to happen and it didn’t? How did you feel? Probably not great. Can you think of a time when you expected something to happen, and it did? In fact, it happened exactly as you had hoped.  Think back to that moment to remember how great

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What I Manifested in the Past 12 Months and How YOU Can Too!

Have you ever wished you could get the life of your dreams, but you just didn’t know where to begin?  I remember feeling like that many times as I stumbled through my career in the beginning. And there have been many times since then when I have questioned my purpose and dreams—“Am I on the

What I Manifested in the Past 12 Months and How YOU Can Too! Read More »

Synchronistic Shift #5: The Core Community Shift

The Core Community Shift {An Excerpt from Selling with Synchronicity} – Synchronistic Shift #5: The Core Community Shift “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~   Days later, synchronicity kicked in, and my phone rang.  “Hello?” I said tentatively.  “Hi! Is this Ursula?”  “Yes, this is

Synchronistic Shift #5: The Core Community Shift Read More »


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Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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