Logical Steps to Get the Results You Desire with Bob Burg

You are really in for a treat today! I have the very amazing Bob Burg here with me and I know that many of you have heard of him and will be eager to hear our conversation! In their best-selling business parable The Go-giver, and then in their follow-up, The Go-giver Leader, Bob Burg, and John D. Mann challenge conventional wisdom about success. Now they have come up with a new and equally compelling story about the power of genuine influence in business and beyond. The Go-giver Influencer is quite a novel concept. It’s a little story about a most persuasive idea and it tackles the paradox of achieving what you want by focusing on the other person’s interests. This is not done in a self-sacrificial way, but rather in a way that benefits both parties greatly and this results in both immediate and long-term success. Listen in now to find out how Bob managed to refine his process of predictably achieving a goal, based on a logical and specific set of how-to principals.

Bob speaks all over the world on topics that are related to The Go-giver and he also talks about what he calls genuine influence. While his total book sales are at well over a million copies, his and Mann’s original book has sold over 700 000 copies and it has also spurred an international movement. Their new book, The Go-giver Influencer, however, may be their most important book of all. Listen in to find out more about Bob and also, how to get the kind of results that you really desire!

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