Grow Your Sales

Expand Your Plan!

Expanding your plan also relates to increasing your sales projections and effectively using a tool to track your sales pipeline. Whenever I work with new clients, I have them set a Quantum Goal. First, they write down their original goal for the year. Then they double it. Then they triple it. When they look back at their original goal, it suddenly looks small. What has changed? Nothing, just their perspective on what’s possible. They expanded their mindset.

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5 Steps to Take a Quantum Leap

Is it easy for you to receive money or do you find yourself discounting your products or services when you don’t need to? Do you find it difficult to ask for the sale when the time comes? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Most people have a lot of fear surrounding asking for money and limiting beliefs around how much money they deserve, etc.

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Focusing on One Great Goal Will Change Your Life

What would happen if you gave yourself permission to just focus on your One Great Goal? You can probably already feel the tremendous power that exists in choosing just one goal, rather than focusing on all of them. It doesn’t mean that the other goals won’t actualize. What often happens is that by focusing on one, the rest of your goals will also be achieved!

Focusing on One Great Goal Will Change Your Life Read More »

Yes. Next?

For me, “Yes. Next?” means, “Okay, God, so I’ve said yes to this and it has come into actualization. Now, what’s next?” It’s become a personal prayer of asking God for guidance as I continue to say yes to bigger and bigger things, even in the face of fear. What I’ve learned is that the more I say yes, the easier it gets, and then the next door opens.

Yes. Next? Read More »

Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever!

Oscar Wilde once said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”  I love that quote! Whenever I post it on Facebook, there is always a quick response of , “yes!” or when I state it at a speaking event,  there are nodding heads throughout the audience. We love the idea of just being ourselves, but

Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever! Read More »

Think Bigger! 50 Goals for 2012!

Since I was in my early twenties, I have been researching the topic of goal achievement incessantly. I have read hundreds of books (my book shelf and Kindle are overflowing!) on the topic so that I could more easily achieve my goals and help my clients do the same. My hunger to find books on the topic is insatiable. Used bookstores, new bookstores, Kindle – they are all like a magical land to me! Some say that you just need to read ten books on any topic to be considered an expert. What does it means when you’ve read one hundred or more?

Think Bigger! 50 Goals for 2012! Read More »

7 Ways to Significantly Increase Your Sales by Being in Service and On Purpose!

The second I sat down, however, I knew I was in trouble. Within two minutes flat, they were doing a “hard sell” on me. Yes, a hard sell! He hadn’t asked me any questions about my business to even know if I had a reason to care about what he was pitching. It goes against everything that I teach, so I was in complete shock as I sat there for 30 minutes and let him speak. I hadn’t been sold to like that in years!

7 Ways to Significantly Increase Your Sales by Being in Service and On Purpose! Read More »

Proven Strategies to Build Powerful Business Relationships

Building strong business relationships is an important aspect of any successful business. Yet, it is usually an area that is overlooked or doesn’t receive a lot of attention due to busy schedules. But business relationships can make or break your business, especially in a down or “different” economy.

Proven Strategies to Build Powerful Business Relationships Read More »


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