Grow Your Sales

You Are 3 Feet From Gold – JUST DON’T QUIT!

In his most famous book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talked about what he called being “3 feet from gold.” He used a story to illustrate many different ideas that relate to success and its lessons still prove useful in our modern age. His analogy comes from a story of a young man during […]

You Are 3 Feet From Gold – JUST DON’T QUIT! Read More »

Unforgettable experiences that take your brand to the next level with Wendy Porter

Wendy Porter is the Event Execution Expert and the Chief Events Officer of Wendy Porter Events LLC. Utilizing over two decades of experience with large corporations, she produces meetings and events that leave your attendees captivated from the first scanned badge to the last goodie bag. From leadership meetings and national sales conferences, to trade

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How To Utilize The Power Of Association To Double Your Sales

Take a moment and write down the top 5 people in your sphere of influence. These are the top 5 people with whom you spend your time. They could be acquaintances, family, friends, or business colleagues. Now take a look at the list and tell me: Are these people living a life that you would

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What Would Happen If You Believed?

Consider this: What would happen to you if you actually believed that you could do all the things you WANT to do? Think about it! What would your life look like? How would you spend your time? What would your family be doing? Where would you live? How much time would you spend working? Would

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Knowing The Value Of What You Sell

Do you want to know one of the fastest ways to double your sales? It’s really simple – here is the secret: Double your prices. Now, some might complain, saying, “That’s cheating – it doesn’t count! Besides, there is no way I could double my prices – nobody would spend that much for what I

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“This One Thing Made Me A Good Salesperson”

“I’m not a salesperson.” I’ve heard this from nearly all the clients that I’ve worked with. Interestingly, I’ve heard this from nearly all the salespeople I’ve worked with. Nobody wants to identify themselves as a salesperson, probably because the image that we have of a salesperson is less than flattering. Usually it’s something along the

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6 Ways To Schedule Your Best Year NOW!

There’s a wise old saying that goes like this: If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time you’re late. If you’re late, you’re left. Now, for those who are perpetual procrastinators, this might feel a bit uncomfortable! But the reality is that successful people all have a number of similar habits that contribute

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Turning Trauma Into Success

We all have our “stuff,” right? That is to say, nobody – NOBODY – has it all together! We have all experienced our own share of trials, traumas, and challenges. As the saying goes, “That’s life,” right? Of course, it is -it’s just reality! We all have experiences that cause us to have mental baggage

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5 Steps To Have A Breakthrough NOW

It never ceases to amaze me how simple it is to be successful. I’ve met hundreds of successful people over the years. And though their journeys are unique to them, their stories are all profoundly similar. They all include doubts, risks, limiting beliefs, overcoming, humility, and continued growth. They also all include a period in

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How Masterminding Can Help You Double Your Sales THIS YEAR

According to the Law of Attraction, you are a lot like your five closest friends. Think about it. Examine the five closest relationships in your life. I’m willing to bet you all enjoy the same things, make about the same amount of money, and live in similar homes. Interesting, huh?   Why is that important?

How Masterminding Can Help You Double Your Sales THIS YEAR Read More »

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