Grow Your Sales

Reset Your Vibes to Increase Your Sales with Michael Losier

What would you say if I told you that you could literally THINK your way into doubling your sales? Would you call me a quack? That’s okay, because I know it sounds farfetched. But hear me, because this is the secret to doubling and tripling your sales – and even to going quantum! I’m talking […]

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How You Feel MATTERS Most

Have you ever known someone that consistently had seemingly good luck? Like everything they touched seemed to turn to gold? Or conversely, have you ever known someone that consistently made seemingly good decisions that turned out disastrous every time? Well, it turns out that there is a reason for that – and it can affect your sales in a huge way. We’ve

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Can Introverts Succeed in Sales?

When you picture a successful salesperson, do you automatically picture an outgoing personality? That salespeople need to be charismatic, outgoing, and… extroverted? Surely an introvert would struggle in sales – right? I have some good news for the introverts: They make some of the best salespeople! The reality is that introvert qualities have a lot

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Do This One Thing Every Day

I’ve never come across a successful salesperson that claimed to have been completely fearless in their endeavors. Not one. Fear of the unknown is part of the process of expanding your sales – as well as your personal growth. If it’s worth doing, there is always an obstacle to overcome. When we think of bravery

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People Really Do Need What You Have!

If you seem to be struggling in your sales, what is it holding you back? Have you identified it yet? I have found that most of the time, the only thing that is holding people back from doubling and tripling their sales is one or two limiting beliefs. That’s really it! And that’s good news

People Really Do Need What You Have! Read More »

Schedule Your Year NOW

How do you schedule your life? Do you plan a week ahead? A month? Per sales quarter? Do you plan your life around work, or your work around your life? Have you ever planned your ENTIRE year in advance? Few people schedule their lives further than a couple of weeks in advance. But if you’re going to be intentional about the way you

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To Succeed In Sales, All You Need To Do Is This

Did you know that 20% of businesses don’t make it in their first year? Only 50% of businesses survive to see their fifth year of operations, and less than a third will make it for ten years or more! Not very inspiring, I know. But hang with me here. It seems prudent to examine what

To Succeed In Sales, All You Need To Do Is This Read More »

Own What You Charge

Most people quickly understand the skills of sales. They can easily overcoming objections. They catch on to the idea of having an authentic sales conversation. They understand selling with intention, and they can implement these ideas quickly. But when it comes to talking about money, people freeze. In the brief moment where they are faced

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How Gratitude Can Increase Your Sales

It’s November, which means Thanksgiving is upon us! More than the month of pilgrim costumes and pumpkin pies, it’s the month that we give special attention to the virtue of gratitude. For all the influence that gratitude can have in our lives, it’s rather a shame that we only choose to recognize it once a

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