Join Award Winning Author + Sales Expert Ursula Mentjes and her guests as they share exactly what they did to grow their business exponentially and how to experience more freedom, joy and peace in your business and in your life.

Small Shifts Are Game Changing with Linda Rasch

Are you joyously following your heart and doing what you are really meant to be doing on the planet? Or would you really love to make a difference, but it just keeps feeling like something is missing? Well, the truth is that a very small shift can actually make a huge difference! Our guest for…

Taking Your Message to the Masses Through Publishing with Justin Sachs

The world of publishing has opened the door for passionate business leaders to build their brand, business, and credibility by sharing what they’ve learned with the masses. As the CEO and founder of Motivational Press, Justin Sachs started opening that door early on in his foray into business and found that creating that credibility as…

How to Get Referrals Without Being Pushy with David Schwandt

A strong referral is one of the most valuable ways to grow your business, but oftentimes we can feel pushy or like we are imposing when we ask for them. How can we bring a level of authenticity to our sales and referral process without relying on “the pitch?” I am so excited to talk…

Shifting Your Tone to Supercharge Your Sales with Kirsty Spraggon

When we talk about selling strategies, we rarely turn the conversation back to ourselves. It is easy to be in the mindset of serving the customer or client, but today I wanted to show you how telling your own story with vulnerability and honesty can be just the thing you need to give your sales…

Leaving Your Business Whether You Intend to or Not with Janise Graham

When it comes to business, you always want to be prepared. We all have a plan for starting a business, but what about leaving one? Do we have a plan in place in the event of your death? These thoughts can trend towards the morbid, and we often avoid talking about them for that very…

Sales Skills are Especially Critical for Non-Profits with Shonna Jordan

As always, I’m super excited to introduce you our guest for today, the incredible Shonna Jordan! Shonna is the first non-profit of 2018 and the second non-profit of all time on this podcast. This is great because there are so many non-profits that we really want to support out there and although we have an…

Developing Your Network for the No Collar Transformation with Ray Anderson

With all the focus on social media currently, creating a referral network has almost become a lost art. So today I am super excited to introduce you to Ray Anderson, an expert in organizational development who I met years ago, through networking with some business associates at an event. He has years of experience working…

Represent Your Business with Confidence with Kim Somers-Egelsee

Do you have the confidence to go out and represent your business in the very best way possible? The truth is that most people could really use some help with that, so today I’m excited to introduce you to Kim Somers-Egelsee, a soul sister and a  very dear friend who has lit up my world…

Learn the Mindset to Get High Profile and High End Jobs with Howard Lim

No one will believe in your business like you do. No one has the vision like you do. That means no one can grow your business like you can! If your limiting belief is that your innovative ideas can never make it, then you definitely need to hear what my guest has to say today….

Manifest Intentions, Change Your Energy and Heal Your Heart with Nancy Clairmont Carr

Are you feeling balanced, on purpose, and full of joy? Even the most joyful among us would probably admit that we can stand a little help in this area. You are going to enjoy my conversation today with an amazing transformational healer with whom I share an affinity for the world of energy and healing….

Strategies for Doubling Your Sales with Kyle Payne

Today I’m excited to introduce you to Kyle Payne, who has been part of the Sales Coach Now community and whose success we’ve has been watching over the past year. Kyle was recently on a panel at the Quantum Sales Summit, where he shared a number of really great strategies that he used to grow…

Business Systems and Support Systems That Lead to Sales Success with Rebekah Hall

In order to be successful in business, it is important to take cues from successful business owners. Whether you are just starting your first business, or about to double your sales yet again, having a mentor or a coach can make all the difference. Today, I have with me a veteran coach who just so…

Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.

Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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