
How Masterminding Can Help You Double Your Sales THIS YEAR

According to the Law of Attraction, you are a lot like your five closest friends. Think about it. Examine the five closest relationships in your life. I’m willing to bet you all enjoy the same things, make about the same amount of money, and live in similar homes. Interesting, huh?   Why is that important?

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Someone Needs To Hear From You

What I am selling is too common! Nobody will buy from me because they can already get what I have anywhere else! Have you ever found yourself thinking this in your sales? This limiting belief is the idea that your market is saturated – so why bother? I want to challenge this limiting belief! Because

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Magical Manifestations in Miami

So, I quickly checked all of my rewards cards and was thrilled to find out that I had another free week available through Hyatt. However, it was spring break, so my belief immediately went to, “That’s not possible”. In this moment, I caught myself. I recognized this thought as a fleeting limiting belief – and I knew what to

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People Really Do Need What You Have!

If you seem to be struggling in your sales, what is it holding you back? Have you identified it yet? I have found that most of the time, the only thing that is holding people back from doubling and tripling their sales is one or two limiting beliefs. That’s really it! And that’s good news

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What Will You Choose To Do?

We all admire people who have what we would call a “can do” attitude. In working with sales people for many years, this is a personality trait that I find to be refreshingly common. Though it may not be common within the general population, I find most salespeople to be the most optimistic and committed

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What To Do When It’s Not Working

In either your professional life or your personal life, do you ever get the feeling that you are simply spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? You keep on doing and doing and doing, but never seem to be accomplishing anything? We recently shared a post about the Law of Reverse Effort and received so many positive emails. And then someone asked,

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Phone: 888-281-0236

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