
You Are 3 Feet From Gold – JUST DON’T QUIT!

In his most famous book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talked about what he called being “3 feet from gold.” He used a story to illustrate many different ideas that relate to success and its lessons still prove useful in our modern age. His analogy comes from a story of a young man during […]

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Unforgettable experiences that take your brand to the next level with Wendy Porter

Wendy Porter is the Event Execution Expert and the Chief Events Officer of Wendy Porter Events LLC. Utilizing over two decades of experience with large corporations, she produces meetings and events that leave your attendees captivated from the first scanned badge to the last goodie bag. From leadership meetings and national sales conferences, to trade

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How To Utilize The Power Of Association To Double Your Sales

Take a moment and write down the top 5 people in your sphere of influence. These are the top 5 people with whom you spend your time. They could be acquaintances, family, friends, or business colleagues. Now take a look at the list and tell me: Are these people living a life that you would

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What Would Happen If You Believed?

Consider this: What would happen to you if you actually believed that you could do all the things you WANT to do? Think about it! What would your life look like? How would you spend your time? What would your family be doing? Where would you live? How much time would you spend working? Would

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Putting The 80/20 Rule To Work For You

Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? If not, it’s time to get closely acquainted. And if you are already familiar, it’s time to put it to work for you! It’s already at work around you – you just may not know how to recognize or leverage it. So what IS the 80/20 rule? Known

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The First Step In Maximizing Your Strategy

When business owners hear the phrase “Double your sales,” most of them get excited about that possibility – as well they should! Doubling your sales, no matter the size of your business will have a significant impact on your life! So, naturally, everyone wants to do it! So, let’s dive deeper with the first question:

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6 Ways To Schedule Your Best Year NOW!

There’s a wise old saying that goes like this: If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time you’re late. If you’re late, you’re left. Now, for those who are perpetual procrastinators, this might feel a bit uncomfortable! But the reality is that successful people all have a number of similar habits that contribute

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How Passion For Your Work Can Increase Your Sales

Let me ask you: Are you passionate about your work? About what you have to sell? I’m sure you are knowledgeable! But are you also passionate about it? I find that most of the time, entrepreneurs start with tons of passion for their business! But as time goes on, they get distracted by the details

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How To Stop Procrastinating So You Can Double Your Sales NOW

You have probably heard me say this before, but I cannot emphasize it enough. I want you to throw out the limiting belief that says this: “I cannot start my business until I have everything ready and in order.” Because you see, I’ve never met a single successful person in all my years of sales

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How Accountability Can Increase Your Productivity And Double Your Sales

Those who teach about success will many times give a list of to do’s as a part of the success formula.  Such as: -Practice the Golden Rule -Remember people’s names -Become a leader -Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be Now, each of those things is crucial! But I daresay there

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