Learn What it REALLY Takes to Double Your Sales with Cathy Paper

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Networking” and “Promotion,” are both words with some weighty connotation for those of us in business. It can seem impossibly personal and terrifying to get out there and market your business or your book. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a friend on the inside? Someone who could guide you through the treacherous paths of networking and get your sales doubled? This week’s guest is just such a person.

Cathy Paper is the founder of RockPaperStar Inc. a boutique consulting firm specializing in coaching, marketing and promotion for business owners. Cathy has coached executives at Best Buy, Paramount Pictures, John Deere and Apple as well as many Minnesota-based privately held companies and service-firms. Leaders learn how to use The Paper Process™ to build their buzz, save time and increase results through relationships and networking. Cathy is a national speaker, a columnist for the American City Business Journals, a winner of NAWBO vision award and Minnesota Business Real Power 50 and a former Minnesota State Tennis Doubles Champion.

Get Cathy’s 14 days of FREE book marketing tips for free here: http://bit.ly/14daysbook


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