How One Great Goal Changed My Life–TWICE

goldarrowAt the age of twenty-seven, I took my first Quantum Leap.  I had been with the same Computer Training and Consulting company for five years and suddenly I reached my first One Great Goal-to become President of a multi-million dollar company.  When I look back at that experience, I am clear on one thing.  The main reason that I had reached that goal is because years earlier, I had chosen it.

Do you know exactly what you want? Or, do you feel a little clouded and frustrated by what is showing up?  If you do, you are not alone.

In my experience as a Sales and Business Coach, what I see over and over again is that most people don’t really know what they want. They think they know, they have a lot of ideas, but they haven’t actually chosen and focused on just one.  There is a lot of power in focusing on just one goal instead of fifty.  I’m not saying you just have one, because you can have many, but you FOCUS on just one.  That’s what makes achieving your One Great Goal with ease and grace possible. Focus.

As you might imagine, achieving my One Great Goal was life changing.  It changed my life because at a deep level, achieving One Great Goal changed how I saw myself and what I believed was possible in my life. When your belief system shifts, everything shifts. My prevailing thought became, “If I can do that, I wonder what else I can do?”

Eventually the company was sold and I went out on my own.  My second One Great Goal began to unfold, although I wasn’t consciously aware of it.  I wrote my first book, Selling with Intention, and found that I truly enjoyed the process of writing as well as speaking and training others on the principles in the book. My new One Great Goal focused on being an author and speaker who delivers messages that transform the lives of others so they can give back in their own unique way. I have specific criteria that I am using to measure the new One Great Goal and the evidence is already showing up.  However, I know that if I hadn’t chosen a new One Great Goal, it wouldn’t all be unfolding so easily and gracefully.

Action Item: Knowing exactly what you want allows it to show up.  If you are feeling stuck, then I encourage you to go through the One Great Goal Process.  You can find a guided training session on that will take you through this process (email for 30 days FREE).

What is exciting is watching what (and who!)  shows up when you are clear on your One Great Goal!  I can tell you that the less I “try” to make it all happen and the more I just “let go” and focus on my One Great Goal, the easier the next steps appear.  You, too, can have that same experience!  Choose your own One Great Goal and then watch what begins to unfold!

What is YOUR One Great Goal? Leave your comment below.



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