How Strategizing To Identifying Your Target Market Can Help You Double Your Sales

When you think of selling, what do you think of? Do you see an endless list of names that you need to cold call contact to try and “sell to?” Do you see a vast population, and your goal is to try and get as many of those to buy as possible?

Or is there a better, more strategic way to go about selling that can produce better results?

Think about this. Does EVERYONE really need what you are selling? If your answer to this question is yes, I’d encourage you to reexamine your answer and put in some work to focus in on your target market.

Because that action step alone can help to double and triple your sales!

Now hear me! Maybe you have a product or service that everyone COULD or SHOULD use. Absolutely maintain that conviction about your product! Passion goes a long way!

However, consider being more intentional about who you are targeting for your authentic sales conversations.

On my latest podcast, I interviewed the amazing Kristen Hinrichs, the owner and “Chief Effectiveness Officer” of Best In Learning. Best In Learning is an independent consulting firm that supports corporations, government entities, and associations, Kristen works in the areas of off-the-shelf and custom content, platforms, methodologies and technologies to support alignment and performance. She has quite the track record of success to share her perspective from – you do NOT want to miss this show!

In it, Kristen shares her genuine love and passion for sales as well as her experiences. When she first started selling, she was trained, handed a phone book and told to go sell! Can you imagine?

She shares how she learned from that experience that there was a more strategic way to sell and expand her business – and a part of that strategy included focusing her efforts on the people who already needed what she had to offer and seeking them out.

In the process, she found her target market and started seeking to be a problem solver instead of what she had previously regarded as a traditional a “salesperson.”

She states that she went from “I have this – do you want some?” to “This is what I have and I know it will help you.”

See the difference? Doesn’t that take the pressure off of your view of sales? As I’ve said for years, you are the answer to someone’s prayers!

So are you still saying “I have this – do you want some?”

Or are you learning how to find the people who already need you? Who are they? What’s their demographic? Where can you find them? How can you network with them? These questions can help you to focus in on the population that already needs what you have so that you can double your sales NOW.

Listen to Kristen’s podcast interview here!


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