Leaving Your Business Whether You Intend to or Not with Janise Graham

When it comes to business, you always want to be prepared. We all have a plan for starting a business, but what about leaving one? Do we have a plan in place in the event of your death? These thoughts can trend towards the morbid, and we often avoid talking about them for that very reason. Nevertheless, we need to be prepared for the future. The legacy of our businesses and the people who depend on them are at stake. We rarely think about life insurance or insurance for our businesses because we don’t know where to begin! This is why I am so thrilled to have my personal friend and look-alike Janise Graham with me today!

Janise and I have known each other for 14 years. Included in that time are some seasons of growth and a real challenge during the recession in California. Through it all, Janise has been an intrepid businesswoman, seeing success in her business and as a speaker. Janise is the woman behind Entrepreneur Insurance Services, a sought-after speaker, and soon-to-be author! Her book, Leaving In Style is all about the world of life insurance, and why business owners need to take a hard look at how they will protect their futures.

Insurance is not one of my favorite topics, but it’s an important conversation, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to talk to than Janise. We will discuss not only why protection is important for your business, but how Janise managed to become successful in that industry. Like all of us, she struggled with her own limiting beliefs about business. Overcoming those limitations meant a thriving business educating everyone about the importance of insurance. We have so much to learn from Janise, and I am excited to share her wisdom with you today.

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