Just Keep Going with JoDee Mittlestadt

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JoDee Mittlestadt is Co-Founder of Elevate5, a web design and strategy company she owns with her sister, Cara Christenson. Together this cross-country duo focuses on helping small business owners understand and take advantage of the digital space, while avoiding that often-lurking sense of overwhelm.

Elevate5 is a bit different from your average web guy in both range and depth of service. Their unique combination of strategy, marketing, messaging, social media, graphic design, and web expertise make them a valuable partner for the small business owner. They focus first on helping clients get clear on their message and brand so the right folks identify with their offers. Next, they work with clients to develop powerful strategies, so they can purposefully attract those clients both online and off. Then, they tie it all together with a professional, easy-to-update, goal-driven website.

In addition to being a small business owner, JoDee is a proud mom of kinda-littles, coffee addict, book devourer, and searcher of the everyday kind of joy. She is a faithful believer in God and miracles, but with plenty of color in life and language to avoid any awkward stigma of perfection. She is a lover of eclectic people and an encourager of all, but holds a fiery passion for supporting women striving to create the lives and businesses of their dreams.

JoDee is offering free, 20-minute website review for the first five small business owners who submit a request via her website at: https://elevate5.com/contact/. Get the answers you need to see how your website is functioning in terms of your brand, your offers, content, and flow!


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