Opening More Doors and Closing More Sales with Jody Weinberg

What are you good at?

The answer may seem obvious to you. Everyone will answer this question differently.

  • I’m great at networking
  • I’m best at cold calling
  • I’m fantastic with my bookkeeping
  • I’m a pro at systems management
  • I’m a numbers person
  • I’m the face of my organization
  • I’m exceptional at working with people
  • I’m best at managing the “behind the scenes” work of the business
  • I’m super at motivating my team

Conversely, I could ask you where your struggle areas are, and simply present the opposite of this list.

What is it for you? Where are you good at?

Here is today’s message: Whatever you are good at, do that!

But in addition, DON’T do what you are NOT good at.

As your sales double and triple and your business goes quantum, learning to be effective with your business means learning to delegate. Because if a business depends solely on the skills of one, it’s likely that something will fall through the cracks.

Even if you are one of the rare individuals that is genuinely a “jack of all trades” and you CAN do it all, that’s not to say that you SHOULD.

Look at that above list again. How burned out will you be if you try to do ALL of those things?

Think about this. The idea of sales and business is not just to create money – it’s also about learning to effectively create time. Because what good is it to be infinitely wealthy, and yet have no time with which to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

Nobody ever reaches any level of success and declares “I did it all by myself – look how awesome I am!” It’s quite the opposite – success only happens when the strengths of many are combined effectively to create a working organization.

If it’s all on you right now, hire a bookkeeper, social media manager, website creator, office manager, or an assistant. You can also advertise for interns that are interested in working in your field! Somebody has the skills that you need.

The more you grow, the more you delegate. And the more you delegate, the more you grow.

This realization was the turning point for my podcast guest Jody Weinberg. Though genuinely talented in many areas, she thought she could – and had to – do it all herself to be a success. This shift in her thinking led to substantial growth in her business.

Check out her success story on my podcast!

So, what do you need to delegate? Furthermore, what are you good at? Stick to that.

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