Keynotes and Presentations

The Exact Attack: The Winning Formula that Doubles Your Sales in 90 Days!

Virtually all new sales reps are bursting with energy and enthusiasm; they believe they can close, they believe they can overcome any objection, and they believe they can hit their goals, And, then the reality sets in, the excitement wears off, and naked fear takes hold. How are your sales people really going to catapult sales?

By listening and implementing Ursula Mentjes signature 90-Day Sales Plan. Join this sales superstar as she shares exactly the step-by-step winning formula for creating a measurable and sustainable plan that works for the first 90 days… and throughout the entire year!

Book Ursula as she shares exactly how to: 

  1. Discover the exact formula you need to write a sales plan to double your sales
  2. Release limiting beliefs about selling and create new, powerful, and achieving beliefs that allow you to succeed
  3. Focus on your top 20% of sales prospects to fast-track your sales
  4. Leverage your existing prospects and clients to reach your goals even faster
  5. Develop a prospecting system that is easy and repeatable. (And did we mention it works?)
  6. Unleash brand-new sales habits that ensure you make daily sales calls using the latest research
  7. Project confidence every time you pick up the phone to easily get the appointment and close the sale
  8. Master a sales script that gets results!

Don’t Stop Believing: How to Tune in to Your Money Mindset to Orchestrate Better Sales

Sales professionals are sometimes like dieters; they binge on enormous orders and then go back to their setpoint never really breaking through to a new way of thinking about money. Sales expert Ursula Mentjes shows your staff how to break this vicious cycle of yo-yo selling to feast on a steady stream of business.

Starting with the mindset, your people master how limiting beliefs limit their sales. Ursula then inspires them to act like a member of the elite 10% of sales professionals consistently hitting and exceeding their goals.

Ursula opens our eyes and shows us:

  1. The 7 secret strategies top sales professionals use every day to catapult their sales
  2. The #1 reason sales professions don’t’ ask for the sale…and how to change that behavior.
  3. How to topple financial set-points and stretch goals that can easily double or triple your sales
  4. The easiest way to create a new, powerful, sales habit to make sales calls every day like the top 10%
  5. Why top sales professionals are committed to a “one-call” close
  6. An insider’s look into the 5 beliefs top sales people share about selling—and how you can change your beliefs to match
  7. How to master a sales script (that doesn’t sound like one!), but still gets the sale


Overcoming Phone-a-Phobia: How to Hang Up Your Fear of Phoning to Book the Appointment!

  • Do you fear picking up the phone?
  • Do you struggle at getting through to gate keepers?
  • Do you wonder why you can’t get your phone calls returned?

If so, then this is the program for you! Join Ursula Mentjes, a fearless salesperson who converts cold calls into hot sales…all by starting with a phone call.

Book Ursula today to:

  1. Discover how to leave a voice mail that gets your phone calls returned!
  2. Master the “do’s” and “don’ts” of every call (yep, there are 19 of them)
  3. Shift into a state of confidence before picking up the phone
  4. Build a relationship to work WITH not against the gatekeeper
  5. Develop your tone of voice that builds rapport quickly to get more appointments every week
  6. Write and use a proven voice-mail script that gets results every time
  7. Book and protect your appointment so that prospects eagerly await your meeting.

Get Your Cell Phone Out of Jail! How to Leave Messages That Gets Your Phone Calls Returned

Have you ever heard someone say, “Don’t ever leave a voicemail because they won’t call you back anyway?” Well, they’re wrong! The truth is, people will call back if you leave a voicemail the right way.

Join Ursula as she breaks the art of the voicemail down into small, bite-size pieces so that your sales professionals know exactly what to say and when to say it. Outsell your competitors as your phone rings with prospects calling you back – really!

Book Ursula as she shows you:

  1. Exactly what to say in a voicemail that guarantees a return call
  2. The best way to write an authentic and intentional script—that sounds like you—AND gets results
  3. How to shift “states” BEFORE you pick up the phone to move from fear to confidence
  4. How to easily close the sale by walking your client across the bridge
  5. How to overcome the most challenging objections
  6. The best ways to track your pipeline to stay motivated
  7. What to never say in an appointment confirmation email

One Great Goal: Discover the Power of One!

What if one goal could change everything?

If you’ve ever been asked, “What do you want?”  and felt frustrated by that question, you are not alone! In this powerful presentation, Ursula will lead you through her time-tested signature goal setting process that helps you quickly clarify exactly what you want by connecting you with your greatest heart’s desires. No more frustration or lack of ideas—she will show you exactly how she and her clients create clear goals that they check off like clockwork, all while understanding the power of their One Great Goal.

Plus, you will be inspired to take immediate action on goals you once thought impossible  (Writing a book, anyone? Maybe having a 7-figure business?!) while also learning about Ursula’s tried and true manifestation strategies using vision boards, journal writing and more “hacks”!

This moving and inspiring presentation will help you:

  • Write a list of heart centered goals that you can easily accomplish in the next 12 months.
  • Understand why clarity matters more than anything else.
  • Discover the negative impact of thoughts, beliefs, and expectations on your manifesting results—and how to shift them.
  • Take “inspired and intentional” action vs. feeling like you are spinning your wheels to make your goals happen.
  • And much more!

Many people get “stuck” on their way to reaching their goals. One Great Goal will give you the exact formula you’ve been waiting for to achieve your deepest desires this year and beyond!

2x, 3x or 10x+ Your Sales While Releasing 10 or More Hours Per Week!

Most CEOs believe that if they double their sales they are going to have to work “harder”.

But that is simply not the truth.

The truth is, you can actually work less AND double your sales when you implement key business strategies and beliefs which Ursula will share during this power-packed presentation. Many of Ursula’s clients have significantly increased their monthly sales while releasing 80 hours per month or more.

Specifically, Ursula will show you how to:

  • Identify and release stubborn limiting beliefs stopping you from doubling your sales with ease.
  • Implement key business and sales strategies that support maximum accelerated selling.
  • Scale your business and grow a team that offers you ultimate support.
  • And much more…

    Ursula Mentjes will inspire and motivate you (rockstar CEO!) to act immediately and begin your journey to doubling your sales and living the life you have been writing on your goal list for years.

Are you prepared to welcome a speaker who can revolutionize your sales?


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

For all media inquiries, please contact my publicists:


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