Knowing The Value Of What You Sell

Do you want to know one of the fastest ways to double your sales?

It’s really simple – here is the secret: Double your prices.

Now, some might complain, saying, “That’s cheating – it doesn’t count! Besides, there is no way I could double my prices – nobody would spend that much for what I have to offer.”

Herein lies one of the most common limiting beliefs I see in business owners. They simply don’t value themselves enough to charge fairly for their products or services.

Notice I did NOT say that they don’t value their products or services – certainly they do! Otherwise they would not have ventured into the world of entrepreneurship! They believe that what they have to offer has value – but they don’t think THEY have value.

See, they doubt themselves – their abilities, their worth, their deservability – and therefore they cheat themselves out of a fair compensation for what they have to offer. They really don’t believe they should receive anything more than what they currently have.

It’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes, but does any of this sound familiar? If it does, that’s good news! Because once you know what has been holding you back, you just need to release it!

The reality is that there are people out there right now who need what you’ve got! I’ve always said that you are the answer to someone’s prayer. Sales is all about service, not talking people out of their hard earned dollars. So when you can shift your perspective and look at sales as an opportunity to help someone who genuinely needs what you can provide, sales becomes fun! And it only makes sense that you should be compensated for meeting a genuine need that someone is willing to pay you for!

On my latest podcast I interviewed the dynamic blogger, author, motivational speaker, TV and radio host, podcaster, mother, and personal development coach, Lisa McDonald. Lisa’s personal and professional life are embodiments of her teachings; she is fiercely passionate about ‘uplifting people to fear less and to live more.’

You do NOT want to miss this show – because you simply cannot leave this podcast interview feeling anything less than confident in your ability to conquer the world.

Lisa shares many things about her story of success during the interview, and one of her key points was about choosing not to undercharge for your services. At one point, she says, “You are just as worthy and deserving as anyone else who walks the face of the earth. Be your own hero.”


She says, “I don’t give discounts. I pay it forward, but I’m running a business here!”

Can you say the same? If not, it’s time for a shift in perspective! Let go of that limiting belief! Instead of thinking, “Nobody’s going to pay for what I’ve got to offer,” it’s time to say, “I’m worthy and deserving – and I’m going to be a persistent problem solver for my clients.”
Be your own hero. One of the best ways you can do that is to double your prices and charge what you are worth.


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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