Mastering Cultural Differences – Luiza Dreasher

Luiza has over 20 years of experience in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence development. Her expertise in global and domestic diversity has led to consulting jobs and presentations to numerous audiences, including the United States Department of Defense, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Schreiber Foods of Brazil, MN Department of Public Safety, and numerous institutions of higher education.

Luiza has taught courses focusing on Social Justice, Cross-Cultural Race Relations, and currently teaches Diversity Management for the MBA program at Metro State University. While serving as an Assistant Dean and Director of Multicultural and International Inclusion at Mitchell Hamline School of Law in Saint Paul, she developed and taught a course on Cultural Competence for the Legal Profession.

As a contributing writer for The Inclusion Solution, a newsletter distributed by The Winters Group, Luiza focuses on transformative solutions for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. With close to ninety thousand readers, Luiza has written about strategies for recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce, the detrimental impact of microaggressions, achieving inclusive religious observance, age discrimination, and how biases and lack of cultural competence keep diversity out.

At the invitation of the Winters Group, she wrote an expert paper on Addressing Race and Racism in the Workplace. She wrote, How many more have to die? What each and every one of us can do. This article was written after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and was among Inclusion Solution’s top ten most-read blogs of 2020.

Luiza is currently the President and CEO of Mastering Cultural Differences. As suchshe designs and implements customized programs for organizations that want team members to understand cultural differences and work well across those differences. In fact, in her new book, Mastering Cultural Differences: Strategies for Leading a Global Workforce, she provides incredible insight into cultural differences impacting today’s diverse workplaces as well as best practices for increased performance in a global economy.

Luiza has been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, iHeart Radio, Google Podcast and other media outlets.

On a personal note, Luiza and her husband, along with their two small children and his parents, spent a week in the Amazon rainforest and they all loved it!







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