Sales Trainer & Results Coach

Julia believes that life is too short not to do something we LOVE every day. And when we are doing something we LOVE we get to make a difference in the lives of others.

Learning how to sell effectively is the best way to keep doing what you love. It’s purpose and profit.

Julia is a highly experienced sales professional. She has spent more than 20 years working across the retail, media and medical industries. She has been trained, in sales, by some of the largest organizations in Australia, including New Limited, Johnson and Johnson and Ego Pharmaceuticals.

Julia knows how to harness the power of human connection to build strong, long-lasting relationships with clients.

Julia’s passion is bringing ideas to life. She uses a combination of selling strategies and neuroscience coaching techniques to help Business’ generate consistent profit.

With a Science degree, a Business degree and a neuroscience-based Coaching qualification, Julia is well placed to balance the strategic needs of a Business with human needs.

Julia is offering a workshop for our readers. Read below to learn how to join!

Are you:

  • Running your own business and looking for ways to improve your sales?
  • Feeling a little adventurous and ready to introduce some new sales strategies to reach your next level of consistent income?

In this workshop, Julia will show you how to achieve CONSISTENT SALES in your business. 

Julia will help you unlock the secret to:

  1. SOURCING the right customers.
  2. INSPIRING those customers with your exceptional service. 
  3. ENGAGING your customers for life

She has used these tools to triple her corporate income in her second month in business, her clients have used these tools to increase their loyal customers (from an already large base) by almost 30% and one client had a 400% increase in ‘companion sales’ (that’s in addition to the original sale).

If you would like a complimentary ticket as her personal guest at the next workshop, please email Julia at to get started sooner rather than later.


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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