Solve the Problem – And Grow Your Sales!


ManonthephoneanappointmentInspirational and intentional ideas can take your business to a new level-even help you take a quantum leap. I’m embarrassed to say that for the past year I have had a couple of ideas that kept popping into my mind, but I didn’t do anything with them.  And then time passed.

And more time passed.

And then one day an opportunity smacked me in the face, but I wasn’t ready because I hadn’t implemented my ideas.

And so I left money on the table, and my business couldn’t grow the way “it” wanted to. You know, when we get out of the way, our businesses actually grow! It’s up to us to take the time out of our busy schedules so that we can plan and implement those new business ideas.

So, I finally did that. I put time on my Intentional Schedule and I planned the next step. And then, of course, the next step showed up, and the next step and so on.  In the month of March we will have launched two new programs; the Virtual MasterMind and Intentional Appointment Setting.

The initial interest in our new offerings was overwhelming and I now know that those new services are going to work for one main reason:  They solve a problem for our clients.  In Selling with Intention, one of the main ideas in the book is that you must figure out how to solve your client’s problems.  If you can do that, you will have loyal clients for life-clients who will continue to want more of whatever the products and services might be that you offer.  If you are ready to grow your business, then figure out what your client’s challenges are.  Where do they get stuck? What do they complain about most that relates to your offerings?  Then, look at what you are already doing and figure out how you can expand on that.

Intentional ActionAsk yourself these two questions and then write down at least 10 answers. Of those 10, prioritize them and figure out how you might be able to run with your number 1 and number 2 ideas. 1.  What are the “pain points” that your clients complain about the most? In other words, what are their biggest challenges? 2.  What are the main problems that you solve for your clients?  What are 10 new problems that you could potentially solve?

Your clients work with you because they appreciate the products and services you offer.  Happy clients usually want more of whatever you have been delivering for them, so figure out the other challenges they might be having and then decide how you can solve that problem too…and watch your sales grow!



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Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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