The Power of Synchronicity

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the power of synchronicity and selling. About a week ago, I was at a local restaurant with my editor, Amanda, and we were working on Selling with Intention. As we passed the book back and forth, I could feel someone watching us. Thirty minutes later, the gentleman approached our table and asked about the book.

“Selling with Intention” he said, “that’s a catchy title.”

We proceeded to have a conversation and I told him about the book and that we were editing it one more time to prepare for distribution into bookstores with our new publisher. He then asked me where he could get a copy and explained that he was a Regional Sales Director and had a team of sales people that would have interest in the book.

What? Wow! Yes, in the middle of the day it was amazing how he had just “shown up” as if by magic. But was it really magic, or was it something more?

I like to think that synchronicity was at play. Synchronicity is defined as “the coincidental occurrence of events” by Merriam-Webster. When coincidences begin to occur on a regular basis, you have to imagine that there might actually be something else going on.

In my humble opinion, synchronicity happens when you are clear on what you really want and you have closed the “back door” and what you will do if “this doesn’t work out”. That level of clarity allows opportunities to just “show up” and chance meetings to turn into unbelievable client opportunities.

If you feel like synchronicity hasn’t been working for you, then I would encourage you to go back to the drawing board and figure out what you really want. How many sales do you REALLY want? How many clients? How do you serve your clients? What is your purpose? When you can answer these questions without hesitation, I promise you that synchronicity will become your new best friend!

Action Item: Carve out an hour on your Ideal Schedule. Answer these questions: How many sales do you REALLY want? How many clients? How do you serve your clients? What is your purpose?

As I was writing this article, another speaking engagement just “showed up” in my inbox because I am clear on my purpose and my goals. Take time to figure out what you really want, so synchronicity can be a part of your every day experience!



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