The Unmatched Power Of Believing

We’ve all heard the stories before – the inspiring stories of how people persevered and accomplished the impossible. 

The Wright Brothers believed they could fly. 

Edison believed in the light bulb. 

Alexander The Great believed in conquering the known world.

Bach believed he could compose great music despite being deaf. 

Hellen Keller believed she could influence the world from the dark silence of her own.

What do all of these notable achievements have in common? They were crazy ideas in their day. But you know what? It’s the crazy ideas that change the world. 

But more importantly, those crazy ideas had a person behind them with the key: an unwavering belief.  They believed that those things could become a reality. And because they believed, they were right!

You don’t have to go far to find a critic. But the good news is, you have to travel even less to find belief. Because that exists right between your ears. The power to believe lies right within you.

You just need to decide to do it. And yes – it is really that simple. You just decide to believe.

Limiting beliefs are subtle but crippling. Oftentimes, you don’t even realize that you have these beliefs! For example, you can have a limiting belief about how much money you deserve, how much money you can make, how much money you can handle, or any other belief related to business. 

When these roadblocks exist in your thought process, no amount of business strategy or logistical planning will help you. You simply will not bust through that ceiling – because it’s secured in your mind. Or if you do bust through, it’ll be temporary and you’ll soon find yourself right back where you started, scratching your head, wondering why you are back there.

But the solution is so simple it’s mind-blowing. Simply identifying and shifting one or two limiting beliefs can change everything. And once those beliefs are in line with what your goals and desires are, success comes quicker and easier than you ever imagined. And the only thing holding you back from making that happen is YOUR belief!

This is good news – because it means it is entirely within your control!

When you replace your limiting beliefs and shift into what I call the Belief Zone, you begin to notice opportunities that have always been around you. You must be willing to take steps outside of your comfort zones like hiring somebody, changing a program, raising your prices, picking up the phone, and all other things you don’t like to do. 

Eleanor Roosevelt says, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” And the reason that that quote is so powerful is because the thing you think you cannot do is the exact thing that’s keeping you stuck right now. Once you push through it, there’s so much freedom and power on the other side!

Remember our list of great successes at the beginning? Everyone thought they were crazy! But they persevered – they believed and they accomplished the impossible. Today, we have thousands of commercial and military flights filling the skies every day. We don’t even think of the miracle of the light bulb and the electricity that powers it. Today, modern day visionaries are planning to settle a colony on Mars! And predictably, most people think they’re crazy! 

But belief is the foundational requirement for all impossible things. If they didn’t believe they could do those things, they wouldn’t have even thought to try. And where would we be today if they had caved into the skeptics?

So what is it for you? Does it feel impossible to make 7 figures? 8 figures? 9 figures? Do you want to expand your infrastructure? Open new locations? Double or triple your income this year? If it feels impossible to you, it’s the right goal. 

But first, you need to believe it. 


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236

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