What I Manifested in the Past 12 Months and How YOU Can Too!

Have you ever wished you could get the life of your dreams, but you just didn’t know where to begin?  I remember feeling like that many times as I stumbled through my career in the beginning. And there have been many times since then when I have questioned my purpose and dreams—“Am I on the right track? Am I living my purpose?”

What I didn’t understand in the beginning was the power of clarity. I thought I knew what I wanted. I’d visualize it. I’d daydream about it.  But I never wrote it down and I definitely didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t want anyone to judge me for my big goals. After all, if I told someone, what if they didn’t believe me or told me I couldn’t do it? So instead, I kept my dreams quiet.

And my dreams didn’t just include business goals. They also included dreams about my personal life as well.

After I left Corporate America, my first big dream was to start my own business. I didn’t think I could do it, but I also didn’t feel like I had a choice because I had become highly unemployable. At about the same time I decided to start my business, I also decided to become a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified coach and get a Master’s degree in psychology (I know, a little ambitious all at the same time, but once I get committed to an idea I really get all in). Within a couple of years I had launched my new business, become a certified NLP  coach and had achieved a Master’s degree in psychology. While doing all three things at the same time was challenging, it made me realize the importance of writing things down and telling someone about them, truly getting committed. That can make a big difference in actually achieving your goals.

While writing down my goals and telling others (others who could support me) about them increased my motivation to achieve my goals, I found that there were some goals that were more difficult to achieve and I wasn’t sure why. For example, my financial goals weren’t happening as quickly as I wanted them to and I couldn’t figure out why. After all, I had easily created million dollar lines of revenue for someone else, why couldn’t I do it for myself?

I discovered the answer to that question in my training at the NLP Institute of California. What I learned was that my beliefs about myself and the belief that I had to work hard to make a lot of money were holding me back. There were other beliefs within those that were keeping me stuck as well. In other words, I was running on old programs and beliefs that stopped me from achieving the success I desired in my own business.

So what did I do? I read every book I could on limiting beliefs and dug deep into my NLP training to figure out the fastest and easiest way to change my own beliefs, so then I could also help my clients do the same. The amazing part was that it worked. As I changed my beliefs about myself, money and other areas of my life, my business began to grow and I didn’t have to work so hard anymore. Over time, it just got easier and easier. Now I live in synchronistic flow in my business every day, which allows me to manifest and actualize (Access Consciousness uses the term actualize) whatever I desire, as long as it’s in alignment with my beliefs, values and highest good.

Over the past 12 months, I have been fortunate to manifest even faster than I have in the past. I wanted to show you some of the things I’ve been able to create and to show you “how” I did it (which could be different for everyone). I also want to describe what I had to believe to make it happen. My intention is to help you see how my manifestation process works so you might be able to apply it to your own life or business.

  1. Created ALL NEW programs in my business. At the end of 2012, I could feel a shift happening with my clients and in my business. I knew that I needed to create the next level of programs to help my clients take the quantum leaps they desired. So, with the help of some of my new team members, we redesigned my entire program and re-launched in 2013. It was pretty wild changing everything at the same time, but I could sense how these new classes would impact my clients! The Belief:  You cannot create “the new” while you are holding on to “the old.” 
  2. Added 5 new people to my team.  Building your team can be challenging and expensive. You never know if someone is going to work out, even after you spend time and money training them. A well-known coach once said that you should build your team today for the company you want tomorrow. I took that advice, especially in the last month, and through a leap of faith brought on five new people, who provide unbelievable support. I didn’t think I could afford them, but what was amazing was how quickly my revenue grew after I hired them. The Belief: Hiring a powerful team creates the bridge to the company you want tomorrow.
  3. Doubled my business—again.  The year 2012 was a great year, but 2013 had an entirely new velocity with my new programs and teams. I kept raising our monthly revenue goals, and we kept meeting them. My long-awaited goals of what was possible were coming true.  I remembered that Bob Proctor once said it was easier to make $50,000 per month than it was to make $50,000 per year. I could now see that in action.  The Belief: Achieving sales goals is a direct reflection of how you are being in the world. When you are a confident leader, deliver products and services that solve problems and you are committed to your top 20% of clients, anything is possible.
  4. Took a 12-day cruise through the Mediterranean (16 days off) with my husband and family.  We took a leap of faith and booked the cruise BEFORE I had the amazing team in place.  Once the team was in place, though, I still knew it would be frightening to take 16 days off away from my company and trust that everything would go smoothly.  But it did.  The Belief: I don’t have to do it alone. There are talented people who can help me get things done faster and easier than if I try to do them! Plus, my company can grow faster.
  5. Received 5 separate awards for my books (including an International Book Award and Beverly Hills Book Awards).  My dear friend and business associate, Jenee Dana, encouraged me to enter my books into a few book contests.  Of course, my limiting belief was, “What if they don’t win? What if no one likes them?” Amazingly, my books were chosen as winners and finalists in the first two contests in which I entered them. I’m so glad I took those steps.  The Belief: Books are “Divine Downloads” to me and when I remember that they are gifts from God and my job is to get the messages out to the world, then I get out of their way and they take on their own life.
  6. Wrote and published my second bestseller, Selling with Synchronicity.  Having made Selling with Intention a bestseller, I decided that Selling with Synchronicity should also be a bestseller too. Why not? Although I had some limiting thoughts like, “What if it doesn’t happen again? What if I don’t know what to do?” I trusted the process, got committed and told everyone I knew that it was happening again. The Belief: I believed that not only could Selling with Synchronicity become a bestseller, but it really wasn’t about me, it was about getting the message out to the masses. When I focused on THAT, the bestseller part was easy.
  7. Received a 5-star review on my novel and I’m finally publishing it. I wrote my novel alongside Selling with Intention because the process of writing creatively seemed to make it easier to write my non-fiction books. Low and behold, I wrote an entire novel. I kept it a secret because I didn’t want it to interfere with my brand.  The Belief: I realized that my brand wasn’t JUST about selling; it was also about creating a beautiful, full life where you have enough money to give back to the organizations you care about AND live a great life. 
  8. A baby is on the way. My husband and I have wanted to start a family for a long time, but it didn’t happen for us. In fact, at one point, we didn’t believe we could have biological children, so we were contemplating the adoption process. And then one day, at the age of 38, I found out I was pregnant. What a surprise! The Belief: I let go of how our family would come to us. I just believed that it would happen.
  9. Shared the stage with Les Brown. I’ve always wanted to share the stage with Les Brown. I know I wrote it down somewhere along the line and then it happened. The amazing part was that I followed HIM on stage and managed to keep the attention of the audience.  The Belief: I had to believe that I belonged on the same stage as Les Brown.
  10. Experienced more peace, joy and bliss than I’ve ever experienced. My husband comments on this frequently. He keeps saying he’s never seen me so peaceful. Maybe it’s because I’m pregnant, but most people say that hormones would have the reverse effect.  I think it’s a combination of many things, but mostly because I am committed to a life of dreaming, committing and creating—and knowing that anything is possible! The Belief: I had to believe and have faith that everything was unfolding perfectly, no matter what showed up.

What do you want to create in the next 12 months? Take a moment and write your list down, then prioritize it. If you want to take it further, you can take another step with my book One Great Goal. Notice how you feel after you write it down. Is it really what you want to manifest? What would you shift? Now go back through your list and write down those things you REALLY want.

Every month, and sometimes more frequently, I go somewhere quiet and contemplate what I want to create next. My process is very simple, but I find that I need to be away from it all (from my computer, my home, office, etc.) to really focus on what my heart is calling out for.

What is your heart calling for?


Connect With Ursula

Ursula Inc.
Downtown Minneapolis, IDS Center
80 South 8th Street, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Phone: 888-281-0236
E-Mail: contact@ursulainc.co

For all media inquiries, please contact my publicists: contact@ursulainc.co


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